Categories Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan records 10 fires in a day

Kyrgyzstan records 10 fires in a day

Kyrgyzstan records 10 fires in a day

10 fires were registered in Kyrgyzstan in a day. 13 fire brigades were deployed to extinguish them, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported on February 19.

3 fires each occurred in Osh and Jalal-Abad regions, 2 in Bishkek, and 1 each in Chui region and Osh city.

The roof and the second floor of a two-story house burned down in the Ak-Ordo 2 housing estate. The area of ​​the fire was 150 square meters.

Half of a residential building burned down on ​​3 square meters on Yeletsky Street.

Rescue service made two trips per day.