Categories Turkmenistan

Top diplomats hail Uzbekistan’s efforts to restore ecosystem in Aral Sea region

The Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, in partnership with UNICEF, has officially launched the nationwide rollout of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) program. 

                                                                                                Top diplomats hail Uzbekistan's efforts to restore ecosystem in Aral Sea region


This initiative aligns with the country’s 2021–2025 National Strategy, Healthy Mother – Healthy Child – Healthy Future, and reinforces efforts to provide high-quality healthcare services for children across Turkmenistan.

IMCI is a globally recognized program designed to enhance child survival rates by strengthening healthcare providers’ skills, improving health systems, and empowering communities and parents to support child well-being. 

With its expansion across Turkmenistan, the program will ensure that children, regardless of location, receive timely and standardized care for common childhood illnesses. The initiative also supports Sustainable Development Goal 3, which focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all.

The launch event gathered national and regional health professionals, trainers, and technical experts involved in the program’s development and implementation. Participants discussed the cascade training approach, monitoring and evaluation strategies, and methods for ensuring the long-term sustainability of IMCI.

“In this Year of Peace and Trust, we must recognize that the foundation of lasting peace begins with the health and well-being of our children,” Jalpa Ratna, UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan, highlighted the broader impact of the initiative. “Investing in child health—ensuring access to nutrition, vaccines, and quality care—not only saves lives but also builds stronger, more resilient communities.”


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