Categories Kazakhstan

The Shardarinskaya HPP has changed its shareholder

The Shardara hydroelectric power station has changed its direct shareholder. The hydroelectric power station ceased to be «daughter» «Samruk-Energo» and became her «granddaughter», Forbes Kazakhstan reports.

У Шардаринской ГЭС сменился акционер

The change occurred on March 7, 2025. The asset now belongs not to the state holding itself, but to its subsidiary — Qazaq Green Power Plc. This is a public company, it was created in 2022, including for the modernization of existing and construction of new generating capacities, implementation of investment projects, etc.

Currently, Qazaq Green Power Plc, in addition to the Shardarinskaya HPP, owns the Moinakskaya HPP (100%), Ust-Kamenogorsk HPP (100%), Shulbinskaya HPP (100%), as well as shares, including 100%, in several renewable energy projects. These are «grandchildren» companies «Samruk-Energy».

The portfolio of «Samruk-Energo» itself remains 14 subsidiary assets in which the holding has different ownership shares. These are companies in the field of coal mining, coal and gas generation, distribution, hydrogeneration and renewable energy sources.

The Shardara hydroelectric power station is located in the Turkestan region and has been operating since 1967. Its leader is Serik Kundakov. The hydroelectric power station’s capacity is 126 MW.

Shardara HPP has 32.6 billion tenge of assets and 17.8 billion tenge of capital at the end of 2023 (reports for 2024 have not yet been published). In 2023, the company received 2.6 billion tenge in profit.

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