Categories Kyrgyzstan

Cabinet approves new state standard of general education in Kyrgyzstan

Cabinet approves new state standard of general education in Kyrgyzstan

Cabinet approves new state standard of general education in Kyrgyzstan

The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a resolution on approving the State Educational standard of general education in Kyrgyzstan, the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

For general education organizations, a basis education plan has been developed on the following levels of education:

–        Primary general education: grades 1–6;

–        Basic general education: grades 7–9;

–        Secondary general education: grades 10–12.

For 1st-3rd grades, no-grade system will be applied, which means evaluation of achievements is carried out in the form of high-quality characteristics allowing a teacher to choose the optimal methodology of teaching. Only high-quality descriptive evaluation in written or oral form is allowed. Evaluation does not apply to: the pace of the student’s work, personal qualities, the uniqueness of their psychological processes (features of memory, attention, perception, work pace, etc.).

For 4th-6th grades, a point system is being introduced, which allows to monitor the academic achievements, compare them with the results of independent evaluation researches, as well as the determine the readiness level to study at the next level of education.

Intra-class assessment for grades 7-12 is criterion-based, aimed at determining progress relative to educational outcomes, stimulating internal motivation for learning, and developing skills in self-assessment, self-analysis, and peer evaluation.

Upon completion of the 12th grade, a final evaluation is conducted, the format and content of which take into account the areas of profiling. The final points of study and final exams are taken into account in the form of a total score for specialized subjects when applying to vocational educational institutions.

The Cabinet of Ministers notes that the document has been developed to establish a national system of general education that is integrated and recognized in the international educational space, meets society’s needs for quality education, enables global competitiveness and ensures the preservation and development of the nation’s socio-cultural heritage.

The State Standard ensures: social guarantees and the preservation of a unified educational space; development of a basic curriculum, subject standards, general educational programs, and teaching-methodological complexes for all general education institutions regardless of their organizational-legal form and ownership type; continuity of subject standards and general educational programs at all levels of general education; quality management in education; establishment of equivalency for documents on basic general and secondary general education in the Kyrgyz Republic; a foundation for determining requirements for educational organizations implementing the State Standard, as well as for organizations providing initial professional, secondary professional, and higher professional education that train pedagogical staff.

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