Categories Tajikistan

The President of Tajikistan has launched a modernized hydroelectric unit of the Nurek HPP

The President of Tajikistan has launched a modernized hydroelectric unit of the Nurek HPP

Photo: press service of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

On August 30, the President of Tajikistan went on a working trip to Nurek, where he launched the updated fourth hydroelectric unit of the Nurek hydroelectric power plant, the press service of the head of state reports.

The first stage of reconstruction is currently underway, within the framework of which three other hydraulic units, main and auxiliary equipment are being updated, 27 cargo cranes are being replaced, the electrical circuits of the underground complex are being reconstructed, elevators are being replaced, valves are being repaired and pumping stations are being updated. As a result, the Nurek HPP will be almost completely reconstructed.

As part of the project, 220 and 500 kV open switchgears were replaced with closed gas-fired devices, which improved the quality of the station's operation, the press service noted.

The President instructed the responsible persons to continue the reconstruction of other units and equipment with high quality and on time.

The Nurek HPP with a capacity of more than 3,000 megawatts provides more than 50% of the annual electricity demand in Tajikistan. The modernization of the station is planned to be fully completed within 10 years. After the completion of the repair and restoration work, the HPP will increase winter electricity production by 33 million kWh. This will meet the demand for energy in the cold months and expand opportunities for its export in the summer, which will bring additional income to the energy sector.

The Head of State got acquainted with the progress of work on the reconstruction of the rotary gate of the fourth hydraulic unit. The rotary shutter is a key part of the unit, ensuring the flow of water into the spiral chamber and the rotation of the hydraulic unit. Preparations for the upgrade of the next unit are continuing with the participation of the Austrian company Andritz and the contractor JSC “TajikSGEM”.

Photo: press service of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan 1/3

Recall that the first hydroelectric unit after reconstruction was put into operation on October 24, 2022, its capacity was increased from 300 MW to 375 MW.

The Nurek HPP rehabilitation project, which started in 2019, is being implemented in two phases. The first phase is funded by the World Bank ($225.7 million), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ($60 million) and the Eurasian Development Bank ($40 million). It provides for major repairs of three of the nine hydraulic units, replacement and restoration of hydro-mechanical equipment and key infrastructure components of the HPP building, replacement of six autotransformers and work to improve the safety of the dam.

The second phase of the project, funded by the World Bank in the amount of $115 million, is aimed at overhauling the remaining six hydroelectric units, the Nurek Road bridge, the engine room and other key facilities at the hydroelectric complex, as well as strengthening the capacity of HPP employees in the field of operation and maintenance of the power plant.

According to World Bank experts, the modernization will extend the life of the hydraulic units by 35 years. After major repairs, the Nurek HPP will not only increase the reliability of electricity supply for Tajikistan, but also expand the export of green energy, contributing to the decarbonization of Central Asia.