Categories Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan aims for $1bn IT exports by 2026 with new tech initiatives

Kazakhstan aims to become a leading global IT player with a target to achieve $1bn in IT services exports by 2026, as outlined in President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s recent address to the people.

Kazakhstan aims for $1bn IT exports by 2026 with new tech initiatives


The president highlighted the necessity of transitioning from declarative goals to actionable measures in supporting private sector initiatives. This includes the development of business incubators, commercialization centers, technology parks, and design bureaus, with a focus on leveraging successful international practices.

The state is prioritizing the creation of innovative infrastructure and actively supporting private IT companies and startups. This strategy is part of a broader effort to stimulate technological entrepreneurship and foster international collaboration in the IT sector.

Kazakhstan has already made notable progress. The expansion of 5G networks, the launch of the Astana Hub initiative, and increased international investment have established a solid foundation for the IT sector’s accelerated growth. Astana Hub, a key digital center in Central Asia, has achieved annual IT service and product exports of $500mn.

Kazakhstan aims for $1bn IT exports by 2026 with new tech initiatives


The Tech Orda program, established at Astana Hub in 2021, is pivotal in developing IT talent. To date, over 6,000 educational grants have been awarded, with plans to allocate an additional 3,000 training vouchers in 2024. These efforts are designed to cultivate a highly skilled workforce for both large corporations and SMEs.

To meet the $1bn export target, Kazakhstan is enhancing its digital diplomacy and international economic partnerships. The country is already exporting GovTech solutions to Tajikistan, Togo, and Sierra Leone, with IT exports reaching $529.1mn in 2023.

The Ministry of Digital Development is advancing the establishment of innovation hubs both within Kazakhstan and abroad. With 15 IT hubs operational across the country and new hubs opening in California, Riyadh, and Singapore, Kazakhstan is reinforcing its international IT presence.

Upcoming initiatives include the development of a technology park in Tajikistan, continued support for startups, and further enhancement of digital ecosystems, all aimed at achieving the ambitious export goals set by President Tokayev.