Categories Kyrgyzstan

A small hydroelectric power station was launched in the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan

In the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan, the opening of the small hydroelectric power station «Beles», located on the Zhangakty River in the Leilek region, took place.

В Баткенской области Кыргызстана запустили малую ГЭС

As Trend reported on Monday, citing the regional administration, this is one of six new facilities opened in Batken.

It was previously reported that the capacity of the «Beles» hydroelectric power station is 0.54 megawatts.

It should be noted that the feasibility study and working drawings for a small hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 0.54 MW on the Beles River in the Batken region were developed within the framework of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) «Development of small hydroelectric power stations» back in 2010-2015, and then transferred for construction to a local entrepreneur.