Categories Kyrgyzstan

The Kalinin hydroelectric power station in Kyrgyzstan came under state control

OJSC «Electric Stations» has completed the restoration of rights to the property complex of the Kalininskaya HPP and created the company LLC «Kara-Baltinskaya HPP», which will operate and develop the power of the power plant, reports KNIA «Kabar».

Калининская ГЭС в Кыргызстане перешла под контроль государства

As the company reported, in the near future the joint-stock company will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the technical condition of «Kara-Baltinskaya HPP» LLC and develop a modernization plan in order to increase the efficiency and reliability of the station.

General Director of OJSC «Electric Stations» S. Sadyrakunov visited the hydroelectric power station and met with the station staff.

«We hope that the creation of LLC «Kara-Baltinskaya HPP» will open up new opportunities for the development of environmentally friendly energy and will make a great contribution to ensuring sustainable energy supply to the region», — noted S. Sadyrakunov.

The Kalinin hydroelectric power station was put into operation in 1954. Currently its capacity is 925 kW/year.