Categories Kyrgyzstan

The Cabinet of Ministers allocated 43 hectares of land for the construction of hydroelectric power stations and a reservoir

In the Talas region of the Kyrgyz Republic, 43.15 hectares were transferred from category «reserve land» to category «industrial, transport, communications, energy, defense and other land». This is stated in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic №818 of December 30, 2024. This decision was made as part of the construction of a hydroelectric power station and reservoir in the region.

Кабмин выделил 43 га земли под строительство ГЭС и водохранилища

According to the document, the lands are located on the territory of Shumkar-Uya and Chon-Alysh ail aimags of the Talas region.

In Shumkar-Uya ayyl aimak translated as

  • 1.65 hectares for the reservoir,
  • 2.6 hectares for hydroelectric power station,
  • plots with a total area of 1.3 hectares for installing water pipes.

In Chon-Alysh ayyl aimak, the following have been translated

  • 3.7 hectares for the reservoir,
  • 31.8 hectares for laying pipes.

Local authorities have been instructed to make changes to land documentation, ensure the intended use of plots, as well as develop urban planning documents and provide measures for seismic protection of the territory.

Кабмин выделил 43 га земли под строительство ГЭС и водохранилища

In case of misuse or non-development of land, they will be confiscated and restored to their original condition.

The corresponding resolution was signed by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Adylbek Kasymaliev, Tazabek reports.