Categories Kyrgyzstan

Kambar-Ata-1: five foreign companies submitted bids

The Committee on International Affairs, Defence, Security and Migration of the Jogorku Kenesh (Kyrgyzstan’s parliament) at its regular meeting considered and approved the draft law «Ratifying the financing agreement and letter of agreement (Grant Agreement) between the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Development Association on the project «Additional funding for Technical Assistance for the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 project», signed on September 9, 2024 in the city of Bishkek» in the first reading.

Камбар-Ата-1: пять иностранных компаний подали заявки на тендер

According to the Minister of Energy of Kyrgyzstan, the purpose of implementing the financing agreement and the letter of agreement (Grant Agreement) is technical support for the construction project of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1.

«The total amount of additional funds is $13.6 million, of which 11 million — IDA loan and grant funds $2.6 million. Provision period – 50 years. Grace period – 10 years from the date of signing the agreement. Interest rate – 0%», he said.

Deputy Chingiz Aidarbekov inquired about the amount that will be allocated within the project under the article: goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services, operating expenses and training within the project.

«And how much money was allocated for the hydroelectric power station construction project «Kambar-Ata-1»?» — asked the deputy.

The minister replied that a tender has been announced for today, 5 foreign companies have submitted applications, the cost of services has not yet been determined.

«Prior to this, the World Bank allocated $5 million to update the feasibility study; upon ratification of the agreement, we will receive another $13.6 million. To date, preparatory work is being carried out; by May, the construction of a dormitory for workers, roads, a bridge, and concreting of the tunnel will be completed», — the minister added.

According to the Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan, the height of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1 dam will be 256 meters. It is expected that the hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of 1,860 megawatts will produce about 5.6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year.