Categories Kyrgyzstan

The Ara-Bel Dam will combine the two rivers into one diversion channel

In the Issyk-Kul region of the Kyrgyz Republic, two rivers will be united using the Ara-Bel water intake dam. This was reported by the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan.

Плотина Ара-Бел объединит две реки в один водозаборный канал

Construction of the facility, located at an altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level, started last year. At the moment, work is underway to unite the beds of the Ara-Bel and Zhuuku rivers. To date, construction to redirect the Ara-Bel River is 30-40% complete.

To change the channel, a dam with a length of 300 meters is being erected, and a new canal is being laid with a length of 120 meters and a depth of up to 7 meters. The soil is being removed and blasting work is being carried out in difficult areas.

As the ministry notes, the completion of the project will significantly reduce the shortage of irrigation water in the Jeti-Oguz region. The main water intake dam is planned for commissioning this year.

The work is being carried out by the district water management department of the Water Resources Service under the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.