Categories Kyrgyzstan

hydroelectric power station or confiscation: land will be confiscated from leisurely investors in Kyrgyzstan

The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic is confiscating allocated lands from those who received them for the construction of mini-hydroelectric power stations, but did not do so. The Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Taalaibek Ibraev, announced this at a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament of Kyrgyzstan).

ГЭС или конфискация: у неторопливых инвесторов в Кыргызстане изымут землю

According to him, investors must prepare a feasibility study for the project within three months after receiving the land plot, develop it within six months and launch construction within nine months. The minister did not say a word about the need to conduct an environmental assessment of the hydroelectric power station project.

Taalaibek Ibraev also noted that the construction period of a mini-hydroelectric power station cannot exceed three years. If the investor does not meet these deadlines, the land will be confiscated.