Categories Kyrgyzstan

In Kyrgyzstan, green energy will be built on the ruins of Soviet dams

The director of the Green Energy Fund of Kyrgyzstan proposed using the remains of concrete dams, which were built on the country’s rivers even before the construction of the Toktogul hydroelectric power station, for new small hydroelectric power stations.

В Кыргызстане построят зеленую энергетику на руинах советских плотин

Several small hydroelectric power plants operated in Kyrgyzstan during Soviet times. However, after the construction of the Toktogul hydroelectric power station, which began in 1962 and ended in 1974, their work was stopped because they were no longer needed.

According to the director of the Green Energy Fund of Kyrgyzstan, Kundus Kyrbasheva, concrete structures have been preserved on the sites of former small hydroelectric power stations that can be reused. Currently, work is underway to clarify data about these objects.

According to her, the republic is studying all possible locations for the construction of small hydroelectric power stations. Information is being collected on the most suitable places to place them. Land belonging to forestry enterprises, the water department, as well as private and municipal administrations are considered for the construction of small hydroelectric power stations. These plots are combined into lots and ten lots are put up for competition.