Categories Kyrgyzstan

RKFR: small hydroelectric power station «Ananyevo» has reached 90% readiness

The head of the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund (RCDF), Artem Novikov, said that the construction of a small hydroelectric power station «HPP) »Ananyevo in the Ak-Suu region of Kyrgyzstan, carried out with the support of the fund, is 90% completed. The project, according to its developers, is designed to strengthen the country’s energy security and reduce the electricity shortage in the region.

РКФР: малая ГЭС «Ананьево» достигла 90% готовности

Artem Novikov visited a construction site on the Boz-Uchuk River in the Ak-Suu district of the Issyk-Kul region to personally familiarize himself with the progress of work. The total cost of the project is more than 4 million US dollars, with over 3.3 million US dollars of this amount invested by the RKFR.

According to the head of the RKFR, these funds were used to purchase the necessary electrical equipment, including turbines and generators for the future hydroelectric power station. Currently, the construction of a diversion canal necessary for the operation of the hydroelectric power station is actively underway. Its total length will be 6 kilometers, of which 5 kilometers have already been built.

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