Categories Kyrgyzstan

The Chinese company CNEEC has begun modernizing the Uch-Kurgan hydroelectric power station

The Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan announces the start of work on the modernization of the Uch-Kurgan hydroelectric power station. On March 11, 2025, the reconstruction of the hydraulic unit №3 was officially launched at the station. The contractor is the Chinese company CNEEC (China National Electric Engineering Co. Ltd.).

Китайская компания CNEEC приступила к модернизации Уч-Курганской ГЭС

At the moment, CNEEC specialists are dismantling the equipment of the hydraulic unit №3. This was preceded by a complex of preparatory work.

The Uch-Kurgan hydroelectric power station, commissioned in 1962, is equipped with four hydraulic units, the initial capacity of each of which was 45 MW. In 2024, the reconstruction project of the hydraulic unit №4 was successfully completed, as a result of which its capacity increased by 9 MW. A similar increase in power by 9 MW is expected after the modernization of the hydraulic unit №3.

During the reconstruction of the third hydraulic unit, the total capacity of the Uch-Kurgan hydroelectric power station is 144 MW. It is important to note that since the station was launched in 1962, the hydraulic units have never undergone major repairs or modernization.

Completion of the reconstruction of the hydraulic unit №3 and its commissioning with increased capacity is scheduled for November 2025. The project to modernize the Uch-Kurgan hydroelectric power station, as indicated by the Ministry of Energy, is important for the energy system of Kyrgyzstan, allowing to increase electricity generation and increase the reliability of energy supply.

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