Categories Kyrgyzstan

Internal Troops servicemen install flag on Mount Adygine in honor of 100th anniversary of Kyrgyz police

Internal Troops servicemen install flag on Mount Adygine in honor of 100th anniversary of Kyrgyz police

Internal Troops servicemen install flag on Mount Adygine in honor of 100th anniversary of Kyrgyz police

Servicemen of the military units 7702 and 7708 climbed to the top of Mount Adygine at the initiative of the commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Damir Alybaev on August 7-8.

Before the climb, Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops Bakyt Ayipov conducted a briefing with the servicemen and gave them a flag.

The servicement installed a flag for the 100th anniversary of the Kyrgyz police and a plaque with the inscription “In honor of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region and the Kyrgyz police” at an altitude of 4,350 meters.