Categories Kyrgyzstan

The EDB will finance a pre-feasibility study for the Suusamyr-Kokomerensky cascade of hydroelectric power stations

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan and the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) signed an agreement on the provision of technical assistance. The purpose of the agreement is to prepare a pre-feasibility study (feasibility study) for an ambitious project «Construction of the Suusamyr-Kokomerensky cascade of hydroelectric power stations». The signing of this document was a logical continuation of the interaction between the bank and the ministry, which began with a memorandum of cooperation concluded earlier.

ЕАБР профинансирует предТЭО для Суусамыр-Кокомеренского каскада ГЭС

In accordance with the agreements reached, the EDB will finance the development of a preliminary feasibility study. This work, which will be carried out jointly by the bank, the relevant ministries of Kyrgyzstan and involved consultants, will provide an initial assessment of the necessary capital investments in the construction of the hydroelectric power station cascade. The main technical solutions will also be identified, the environmental and social aspects of the project will be analyzed, and proposals will be developed for government support measures that will be required for its successful implementation.

The project «Construction of the Suusamyr-Kokomerensky cascade of hydroelectric power stations» involves the commissioning of energy capacities with a total complexity of 1.3 GW and is considered to be of paramount strategic, economic and social importance for Kyrgyzstan. Its implementation is expected to make a significant contribution to meeting the growing demand for electricity in the country both now and in the long term.

The construction of the Suusamyr-Kokomerensky hydroelectric power stations is an integral part of a larger EDB – key investment megaproject «Water and Energy Complex of Central Asia» initiative. This megaproject is aimed at developing cooperation between the countries of the region in the water and energy sector and is designed to help solve national socio-economic problems. The implementation of the HPP cascade project is fully consistent with the EDB country strategy for the Kyrgyz Republic for the period 2022–2026. This strategy includes priorities such as the modernization of existing and construction of new hydropower facilities, as well as the development of electricity transmission infrastructure.

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