Categories Kyrgyzstan

State of emergency declared 114 times due to mudflows in 2024

State of emergency declared 114 times due to mudflows in 2024

State of emergency declared 114 times due to mudflows in 2024

330 mudflows have occurred in Kyrgyzstan since the beginning of the year. A state of emergency was declared 114 times, Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Bekmamat Abdrakhmanov said.

The state of emergency was declared at the level of districts, rural municipalities and villages. More emergencies are registered in the south of the country.

Abdrakhmanov noted that the Ministry of Emergency Situations has enough equipment to eliminate the consequences.

“There is a Department for Monitoring and Forecasting Emergencies, which has been giving forecasts to rural municipalities and local self-governments. Rural municipalities carry out work at their level. If they do not have enough equipment, they contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations,” he said.