Categories Kazakhstan

The strategic cascade of hydroelectric power stations in eastern Kazakhstan will be transferred to private owners

They want to include the cascade of hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) in the East Kazakhstan region among the strategic facilities transferred for use to private owners, a KazTAG agency correspondent reports.

Стратегический каскад ГЭС на востоке Казахстана передадут частникам

«In the list of water management structures of particular strategic importance, including those that can be leased and trust management (…): paragraph 5 should be supplemented with subparagraph 5) as follows: «5) cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Uba River in the East Kazakhstan region», — says in the draft government resolution.

The explanatory note to the document provides the expected socio-economic, legal and (or) other consequences if the project is adopted, as well as the impact of the draft provisions on ensuring national security.

«The adoption of the project will ensure: reliable control of flood waters, which will significantly reduce flood risks and ensure the protection of territories and settlements of the region; formation of a complex of tanks with a total capacity of up to 500 million cubic meters to stabilize the water supply of the population and industrial facilities; creating conditions for irrigation of over 3 thousand hectares of agricultural land, which will contribute to the development of the region’s agricultural sector; hydroelectric power stations will provide the production of up to 1831 GWh of environmentally friendly electricity per year what will contribute to achieving national sustainable development goals», — explained the developers.