Categories Kazakhstan

Construction of a small hydroelectric power station begins in Eastern Kazakhstan

In the Markakol region of Eastern Kazakhstan, the implementation of a new project for the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Kalzhyr River with a capacity of 16 MW is starting.

В Восточном Казахстане начинается строительство малой ГЭС

«During the flood period, there will be enough energy from this hydroelectric power station to supply, for example, the entire Markakol region. But in general, all production will go to the unified energy system of Kazakhstan, Nurlan Ramazanov, head of the energy and housing and communal services department of the East Kazakhstan region, told —.

The project has already passed an auction, the winner of which was «KALZHYR RIVER ENERGY» LLP.

« This enterprise has received the right to build and operate a hydroelectric power station, which, according to plans, will be an important step towards a sustainable energy supply to Eastern Kazakhstan. Now the company is obliged to complete the construction of the hydroelectric power station within 5 years. We expect a new facility by the end of 2030», — noted Nurlan Ramazanov.

The hydroelectric power project represents part of the overall development strategy of «green» energy in Kazakhstan. The new facility is expected to not only improve the region’s energy security, but also play a key role in reducing dependence on traditional energy sources.

The new hydroelectric power station on the Kalzhyr River will become the fifth facility in Eastern Kazakhstan as part of the implementation of «green» energy. In total, five hydroelectric power stations are planned to be built in the region in the next five years, recalls Kazinform.