Categories Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s population rises by nearly 126,000 in half a year

Kazakhstan’s population rises by nearly 126,000 in half a year

As of July 1, 2024, Kazakhstan’s population stood at 20,159,707 people, up 125,867 since the beginning of the year, TheCentral.Asia cites the National Statistics Bureau.
According to the Bureau, as of July 1, 2024, Kazakhstan’s population stood at 20,159,707 people, including 12,573,637 living in urban areas and 7,586,070 in rural areas of the country.
In the first half of the year, Kazakhstan’s population rose by 125,867, including 118,579 due to natural growth and 7,289 due to immigration, said the press service of the National Statistics Bureau.
Population growth rates were the highest in cities of Astana – 2.93%, Shymkent – 1.38% and Almaty – 1.33%, added the Bureau.