In the village of Zhibek, Zholy, Arshaly district, at a distance of less than 30 km from the capital of Kazakhstan, a protective dam is being built as part of flood control work, reports the akimat of the Akmola region.
The progress of work was inspected by Akim of the Akmola region Marat Akhmetzhanov and Vice Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Tulenbergenov.
More than half of the construction has now been completed. The length of the protective structure is more than 6 km, and the height varies from 2 to 5.3 meters depending on the terrain. The project also provides for the construction of three crossings for vehicles and livestock.
The head of the Department of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Management, Janet Mikishev, said that the completion of construction and installation work is scheduled for October of this year. The first stage, including the construction of the main dam structure and crossings, is planned to be completed before the start of the flood season. Currently, the area has been cleared, the fertile soil layer has been removed and inert material is being imported. The facility uses 63 units of special equipment, including dump trucks, bulldozers, rollers and motor graders. Financing is carried out from the fund «Demeu Kazakhstan kory».
«Last year, a lot of work was carried out on this site, and a considerable amount of financial resources and human resources were spent. It is necessary to take into account all the questions that arose last year during the flood. First of all, the work must be done efficiently. All contractors have been warned: strict control is being carried out, every allocated tenge is registered», — noted Marat Akhmetzhanov.
In addition, in the Anarsky rural district of the Arshalynsky district, the protective dam of Lake Anarkol is being reconstructed. The readiness of the facility is 60%, and by the end of February it is planned to increase this figure to 90%. To prevent water overflowing through the dam, 15 culverts will be laid at the bottom of the dam.