Categories Kazakhstan

Preventive measures: Kazakhstan is preparing for spring floods

A large-scale campaign has been launched throughout Kazakhstan to prevent the negative impact of spring floods. Units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, together with local authorities, are implementing a set of preventive and engineering measures aimed at minimizing the risks of flooding of populated areas and infrastructure. These activities are carried out within the framework of republican and regional programs, which indicates a systematic approach to solving the problem, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

Превентивные меры: Казахстан готовится к весенним паводкам

Among the key areas of work – construction and strengthening of protective dams and ramparts designed to contain the onslaught of water. Active work is also underway to modernize and create new drainage systems that ensure effective drainage of melt and rainwater. An important aspect is the replacement and installation of culverts under roads, as well as the arrangement of canals and ditches, which helps regulate water flows and prevent congestion.

In areas at particular risk, dredging and strengthening of river banks is being carried out. This allows you to increase the capacity of waterways and reduce the likelihood of coastline erosion. Cleaning river beds from debris and sediment is also an important component of a set of flood control measures.

In a number of regions of the country, inspections of preparedness for the flood period are being carried out. Working groups, which include representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, local executive bodies and relevant departments, assess the condition of hydraulic structures, the availability and serviceability of special equipment, as well as stocks of necessary materials – fuels and lubricants, inert and bag containers. Particular attention is paid to the organization of temporary accommodation centers for the evacuation of the population in the event of an emergency.

In the Akmola region, inspectors visited areas under threat of floods, where they got acquainted with the progress of work on installing bypass canals, erecting dams and cleaning river beds. A six-kilometer dam is being built in the Arshalynsky district. In the Aktobe region, an inspection of potentially dangerous areas was carried out, and the condition of dams was reviewed, bank protection work was being carried out along the Ilek River, and measures were being taken to drain melt water in gardening groups at risk. The akim of the East Kazakhstan region and the head of the Emergency Situations Department got acquainted with flood control work, where, among other things, blasting points on rivers were identified.

In the West Kazakhstan region, the construction of protective dams and the installation of additional culverts are under way In the Karaganda region, the level of readiness of settlements at risk of flooding has been checked, and in the Kyzylorda region, the river and hydraulic structures have been checked.

The leadership of the Emergency Situations Department, together with the acting akim of the Pavlodar region, inspected the settlements of the region, checking the condition of the equipment and the presence of inert materials. In the Ulytau region, flood prevention measures have been strengthened: seven locks on the Kengir reservoir are completely ready, river beds and banks have been cleared, strategic objects are under control. A joint inspection of possible flood areas was carried out in Shymkent.