Categories Kazakhstan

The new reservoir «Baidibek-ata» is half ready

With the support of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the construction of a reservoir «Baidibek-ata» with a volume of 68 million cubic meters continues in the Baidibek district of the Turkestan region. To date, construction and installation work has been completed by 50%.

Новое водохранилище «Байдибек-ата» готово наполовину

The new reservoir will be located on a 680-hectare site at the confluence of the Balabogen and Ulken-Bogen rivers. The reservoir «Baidibek-ata» will collect flood water and direct additional volumes of water to the Bogen Reservoir during the irrigation period.

«According to the Concept for the Development of the Water Resources Management System, by the end of 2030 it is planned to build 42 new reservoirs throughout the republic. This will ensure a sustainable water supply to agriculture, reduce the threat of flooding and reduce dependence on transboundary waters. In the northern regions, new reservoirs will help accumulate 1.5 billion cubic meters of flood water, preventing flooding of 216 settlements. In the south, they will increase irrigated areas by 295 thousand hectares»,– said Vice Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erbolat Ibraikhanov.

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