Categories Tajikistan

How will Fatherland Defender’s Day be celebrated in Dushanbe this year?

How will Fatherland Defender’s Day be celebrated in Dushanbe this year?

This year, Tajikistan's Armed Forces Day will be celebrated on a grand scale in Dushanbe.  In honor of this important occasion, numerous events aimed at strengthening patriotism and respect for the country’s Armed Forces will take place in the capital, an official source at  the Dushanbe mayor's office told Asia-Plus in an interview. 

From February 1 to 23, the city is reportedly hosting meetings and conferences in military units, a series of Open Days, and visits for parents of servicemen.

Young people and teenagers in Dushanbe will have the opportunity to participate in cultural, sports, and scientific events, as well as competitions and discussions held in educational institutions, residential districts, and military units.

The main celebrations dedicated to the Armed Forces’ Day will take place on February 21 and 22 in four districts of Dushanbe, featuring cultural and sports events, as well as roundtable discussions on the topic “Defending the Homeland Is a Sacred Duty.”

Young people will also have the opportunity to visit military units to observe soldiers' daily routines and learn about service conditions.

Veterans of war and labor, as well as servicemen receiving treatment in hospitals, will receive support and assistance.

Festive programs with concerts and treats will be organized in military units.

Additionally, from February 17 to 22, the Fifth Friendship Festival of officers, soldiers, and conscription-age youth will be held.

Participants will compete in various sports events and attend other patriotic activities.  The festivities will conclude with the "Soldier's Song" Festival, which will delight fans of music and military themes.

“Special attention will be given to instilling a sense of pride for the homeland among Dushanbe’s youth and fostering an understanding of the importance of national defense,” the source added. 

Regarding a potential military parade, the Dushanbe mayor’s office indicated that it is uncertain whether it will take place this year or not.  

The press center of the mayor’s offices advised contacting the Ministry of Defense of Tajikistan for accurate information.  At the time of publication, the editorial team had not been able to reach the Defense Ministry’s press center.

The National Army Day has been marked in Tajikistan on February 23 since 1993.

Tajikistan’s National Army now consists of Air and Air Defense Forces, Land Forces and Mobile Forces.  The Mobile Force of Tajik Army was founded in 2005 without increase in a total strength of the country’s armed forces.  Air and Air-Defense Forces were also united in 2005.  Tajikistan’s armed forces also include National Guard and Security Forces (internal and border troops).

Unlike the other former Soviet republics of Central Asia, Tajikistan did not form armed forces based upon former Soviet units on its territory.  Instead, the Russian Ministry of Defense took control of the Dushanbe-based 201st Motor Rifle Division; actually control simply shifted from the former district headquarters in Tashkent, which was in now-independent Uzbekistan, to Moscow.