Categories Tajikistan

A Russian expert saw the environmental risks of the Rogun hydroelectric power station project

In 2025, it is planned to commission the third hydraulic unit of the Rogun hydroelectric power station, which may affect the situation in the energy and water sectors of Central Asia. As Igor Yushkov, an expert at the National Energy Security Fund, said on the TV channel «Russia 24», with the full launch of a hydroelectric power station, there may be risks both for Tajikistan and for neighboring countries.

Российский эксперт увидел экологические риски проекта Рогунской ГЭС

According to him, there are, first of all, environmental risks.

«The issue of ecology lies primarily in the adequacy of water both in Tajikistan itself and throughout the region. Everyone fears a negative impact on the environment in terms of filling the Rogun hydroelectric power station reservoir. It is expected that it will be filled for more than 10 years, and this is a fairly long period, which will lead to a decrease in the water filling of the Amu Darya and indirectly the entire Aral Sea. Critics of the station noted that not only current precipitation should fill the reservoir, but also glaciers, which are gradually decreasing. Subsequently, the parties considered that there would be more advantages from the creation of the facility than disadvantages, and the risks would be mitigated», he explained.

The expert noted that this year it is planned to complete the third hydraulic unit of the Rogun hydroelectric power station, which will make it possible to better meet demand in Tajikistan and then export it to neighboring countries.

«These are long-term plans. It is expected that, at best, the station will be completed by 2029. As new capacity is introduced, electricity consumption will certainly increase. The population of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan is growing, it is possible that by the 2030s it will be necessary to build more new generation facilities in order to be able to export», he explained.