In Dushanbe, at a joint meeting of the working group on integrated water resources management and the coordination working group on the implementation of the Water Reform Program of the Republic of Tajikistan, the National Water Strategy until 2040 was presented, designed to ensure sustainable management of the country’s water resources. This document, developed in accordance with the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan until 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, defines the basic principles of state policy in the field of use and protection of water resources, and also sets ambitious goals and objectives for the coming decades.
The strategy covers a wide range of issues, from providing the population with quality drinking water and developing irrigation systems to flood protection and adaptation to climate change. The document notes that Tajikistan has significant reserves of water resources, but their use is associated with a number of problems, such as uneven distribution over the territory, worn-out infrastructure, low efficiency of water use and the negative impact of climate change.
The strategy pays special attention to the development of hydropower. It is indicated that the government of Tajikistan continues the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station, which is expected to double electricity production by 2050. However, the document does not mention the possible environmental consequences of the construction of large hydroelectric power plants, such as changes in river regimes, flooding of areas and impacts on ecosystems.
The strategy also speaks of the need to improve the efficiency of water use in agriculture, which is the main water consumer in the country. It is planned to introduce water-saving irrigation technologies, carry out anti-filtration measures and improve the reclamation condition of the land. However, it is not specified what technologies will be used and what funds will be allocated for these purposes.
The document emphasizes the importance of protecting water bodies from pollution. It is planned to reduce the anthropogenic load on water bodies, introduce an environmental regulation system, and also stimulate a reduction in pollutant discharges. It is not clear, however, what specific measures will be taken to combat pollution, and how their implementation will be monitored.
The strategy provides for improving state regulation and control in the field of use and protection of water resources, developing a state monitoring system, as well as scientific, technical and personnel support for the water sector. It is planned to create a National Water Information System, develop basin plans for water resources management and strengthen the role of Tajikistan in solving global and regional water problems.
To implement the strategy, an Action Plan for 2025-2027 is provided, including specific activities in various areas. The activities will be financed from budgetary funds, private investment, as well as loans and grants from international organizations.
Overall, the National Water Strategy of Tajikistan is a comprehensive document aimed at addressing a wide range of problems in the water sector. However, successful implementation of the strategy will require not only significant financial resources, but also transparency, accountability and public participation in decision-making.
Alexander Eskendirov
especially for Rivers.Help!