Categories Tajikistan

The hydroelectric power station dictates the schedule: Tajikistan has returned to energy limits

Tajikistan has renewed restrictions on electricity consumption, returning to the previously applied schedule. A source in the state energy holding «Barki Tojik» reports that electricity is supplied to the population for seven hours a day: three hours in the morning (from 4:00 to 7:00) and four hours in the evening (from 17:00 to 21:00).

ГЭС диктует график: Таджикистан вернулся к энерголимитам

It is emphasized that the schedule is not tied to any dates, in particular to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, as was assumed in some media. It changes dynamically depending on the water level in reservoirs of hydroelectric power stations, primarily at the Nurek hydroelectric power station. An increase in the water level in hydroelectric power station reservoirs makes it possible to increase the supply of electricity, and its decrease, accordingly, leads to a reduction in supply.

A representative «Barki Tojik» notes that electricity supplies have indeed increased over the course of several days. This was due to warm weather and rising water levels in hydroelectric power station reservoirs. However, the subsequent cooling and decline in indicators forced energy workers to return to the previously existing schedule. All efforts «Barki Tojik» are aimed at economical use of water resources and maintaining the current level of electricity supply in order to prevent a complete shutdown of consumers.

Earlier, there were reports in the media that due to the month of Ramadan, the electricity supply schedule has been changed, and the population will receive electricity for eight hours a day: from 3:30 to 7:30 in the morning and from 17:00 to 21:30 in the evening. It is worth noting that «Barki Tojik» annually introduces restrictions on the supply of electricity in the autumn-winter period to maintain the operation of hydroelectric power plants and provide the population with electricity throughout the year.

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