Categories Tajikistan

ADB, Tajikistan discuss ongoing project performance, 2025-2028 indicative program

ADB, Tajikistan discuss ongoing project performance, 2025-2028 indicative program

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has programmed approximately 20 projects over the next four years in Tajikistan covering agriculture, urban development, social sectors, finance, public sector management, transport, and energy, as informed during a meeting yesterday. 

Press release issued by the ADB Tajikistan Resident Mission (TJRM) says the meeting wrapped up the annual country operations review and programming exercise jointly carried out by ADB and the government.  Participants also reviewed achievements and issues faced under ADB projects last year and agreed on corrective actions. 

ADB, Tajikistan discuss ongoing project performance, 2025-2028 indicative program

“Our work with the government and all our partners continues to yield good results across various sectors. We are committed to making sure our initiatives succeed,” said ADB Country Director for Tajikistan Ko Sakamoto.  “The upcoming projects will further support the country’s development priorities and strengthen the government’s efforts towards sustainable and quality economic growth for all.”

ADB’s active sovereign portfolio in Tajikistan includes 18 projects amounting to $930 million, 100% of which are financed by grants.  The transport and energy sectors are the largest. ADB is also financing projects in agriculture and natural resources, health, urban infrastructure, education, and public sector management sectors. In addition, there are 12 active technical assistance grants totaling $11.2 million.

Based on five performance indicators, including outputs, contract award, disbursement, financial management, and environmental and social safeguards, 12 ongoing projects (75%) are rated “On Track”, three projects (19%) – “For Attention”, and one project (6%) – “At Risk”, mainly due to unmet contract award and disbursement targets. 

Since Tajikistan joined ADB in 1998, the Bank has provided over US$2.7 billion in assistance to the country, including over US$2.2 billion in grants, supporting a diverse range of sectors – from strategic road and energy infrastructure to climate resilience and social services.

Founded in 1966, ADB is a leading multilateral development bank supporting sustainable, inclusive, and resilient growth across Asia and the Pacific.  Working with its members and partners to solve complex challenges together, ADB harnesses innovative financial tools and strategic partnerships to transform lives, build quality infrastructure, and safeguard our planet.  The Bank Founded is owned by 69 members—49 from the region.

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