A Fund for the distribution of benefits from the sale of electricity produced at the Rogun hydroelectric power station will be created in Tajikistan. This was reported by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic.
A special account will be opened for the operation of the fund in the Central Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Tajikistan. The funds will be used to implement a benefit distribution program that will come into force after government approval.
Earlier, at a meeting of shareholders of LLC «Rogun Hydroelectric Power Station», chaired by Prime Minister Kohir Rasulzoda, the allocation of income from domestic and export sales of electricity to social programs was discussed. The Ministry of Energy emphasized that the fund will take into account the interests of the population, which previously invested in the construction of the station by acquiring shares.
Let us recall that in 2010, the government of Tajikistan issued 5 million securities worth 6 billion somoni to finance the continuation of the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station. For this purpose, more than 580 points for the sale of shares of OJSC «Rogunskaya HPP» were opened
in branches of the state bank «Amonatbonk» throughout the country. In total, 890 million somoni were collected from the sale of shares.
Construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station continues to this day. Over the past two years, more than 9 billion somoni have been allocated from the state budget of Tajikistan for the construction of the facility. Additionally, funds were raised from six international organizations.
According to the Ministry of Energy of Tajikistan, at the moment more than 50% of construction work has been completed within the framework of the Rogun HPP project.