A Multidisciplinary Council for the Prevention of Domestic Violence has been established in Tajikistan. The corresponding government decree was adopted on February 28, 2025, and its copy was published on the information-legal platform of the Ministry of Justice. The decree specifies that the Council is an advisory body, and its task is to coordinate the work of state agencies on the prevention of domestic violence.
Additionally, the Council is tasked with coordinating the efforts of international organizations and civil society on the prevention of domestic violence. The Council must also develop proposals for the implementation of state policy in the field of domestic violence prevention, conduct monitoring, identify cases and victims of violence, and provide them with assistance.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Dilrabo Mansouri, has been appointed to head the Council, and Bunfasha Faiziddinzoda, the Chair of the Committee for Women and Family Affairs, has been appointed as her deputy. The Council also includes the heads of the country's regions and their deputies.
The decree notes that representatives of civil society are not included in the Council, but they will be invited to the Council's meetings, and their proposals on preventing domestic violence will be heard.
The Council is required to hold at least two meetings a year, but extraordinary meetings may be held if necessary.
Domestic violence, which primarily affects women, is considered one of the most pressing issues in Tajik society.
Currently, Tajikistan only imposes administrative responsibility for domestic violence. In particular, for domestic violence, a fine of up to 375 somonis (5 calculation indicators, with 1 indicator equaling 75 somonis) or arrest for up to 15 days is prescribed.
According to the Committee on Women and Family Affairs, a total of 3,200 complaints related to violence were received last year, which is 148 cases more than in 2023.
Of them, 2,652 complaints were filed by women against men for violence, which is 84 cases more than in 2023. Additionally, more than 550 men filed complaints with the Committee about violence and aggression against them, which is 61 cases more than in 2023.
Experts argue that violence against women not only destroys families and leads to human tragedies but also has a serious impact on the psychological well-being of children.
Domestic violence is largely accepted by Tajik society, and there is an in-sufficient awareness among the population that domestic violence constitutes a human rights violation. It is commonplace in the country’s predominantly rural society. The illegal actions of the majority of abusers remain unpunished, since women do not know their rights and stay silent about violence.