Categories Tajikistan

Pakistani students who were injured in Bishkek can continue their studies in Tajikistan, the Ambassador said

Pakistani students who were injured in Bishkek can continue their studies in Tajikistan, the Ambassador said

Photo: from the Facebook page of the Governor of Punjab

Pakistani students who were injured as a result of the incident in Kyrgyzstan (in May this year – ed.) can continue their studies at the same level in Tajik universities.

Tajik Ambassador Yusuf Sharifzoda said this at a meeting with the governor of the Pakistani Punjab, Sardar Salim Haidar Khan, on Sunday, The News reports.

Other details regarding this aspect are not reported.

At the meeting on Sunday, issues of strengthening bilateral relations between the countries in the fields of trade, culture and education were discussed. In particular, the Ambassador of Tajikistan also stated that special benefits will be provided to Pakistani investors in Tajikistan. "

Pakistani businessmen have ample opportunities to export surgical instruments and leather goods to the markets of Tajikistan," Sharifzoda said.

The Governor of Punjab, in turn, said that Pakistan and Tajikistan have deep fraternal relations because of their common religion and culture.

"There are investment opportunities for foreign investors in various sectors in Pakistan, and Tajik investors can benefit from the benefits provided to businessmen through the Special Economic Assistance Council," he said.

The governor also noted that business activity between the countries should increase.

"Pakistan produces high-quality furniture, and it is necessary to explore opportunities in the markets of Tajikistan," said the head of Punjab.