Categories Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan ranks in top 10 for lowest AI-95 petrol prices

Turkmenistan ranks among the top 10 countries with the lowest AI-95 petrol prices, according to data from the Global Petrol Prices portal, as of September 2. Petrol prices in Turkmenistan stand at $0.0429 per litre, placing the country among the most affordable in terms of fuel costs. Iran leads the global list, offering the lowest price at $0.029 per litre.

Turkmenistan ranks in top 10 for lowest AI-95 petrol prices

Other countries in the top 10 for low petrol prices include Nigeria, Malaysia, Algeria, Kuwait, Angola, Egypt, Venezuela, and Libya, each maintaining relatively low fuel costs for consumers.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, countries such as Israel, Barbados, Singapore, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Monaco, and Hong Kong have recorded the highest petrol prices. Hong Kong ranks the highest globally, with AI-95 petrol priced at $3.269 per litre. These countries are known for having significantly higher fuel prices due to their tax structures and market conditions.

As of September 2, the global average price for AI-95 petrol is $1.31 per litre. The wide variations in petrol prices between countries are largely influenced by differences in fuel tax regimes, government subsidy policies, and regional economic factors, which impact the overall cost of fuel to consumers.


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