Categories Uzbekistan

Hydroelectric power plants with a total capacity of 3.3 GW will be built in Uzbekistan by 2028

From 2025 to 2028, Uzbekistan plans to build and commission hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) with a total capacity of 3.3 GW, follows from the draft resolution of the country’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the implementation of the «Uzbekistan-2030» Strategy.

В Узбекистане до 2028 года построят ГЭС общей мощностью 3,3 ГВт

By the end of 2025, new hydroelectric power stations should be launched in Tashkent, Kashkadarya, Namangan, Surkhandarya and Andijan regions. Their total capacity will be 128 MW. The power plants will be built through investments from foreign investors and international financial institutions.

The document also provides for the construction of a wind power plant with a capacity of 52 MW and the production of green hydrogen in the Bukhara region. The investor of the project is Saudi Arabian Acwa Power. The facility is scheduled to launch in October 2025.

The 300 MW solar power plant will begin operations in December 2025. It will serve the needs of «Navoiazot».

At the same time, the resolution provides for the decommissioning and conservation of outdated thermal power plant equipment. In May 2025, the operation of three boilers and two turbine units at the Angren Thermal Power Plant will be stopped, reports «Italics».