Categories Uzbekistan

Two residents of Uzbekistan were fined for fake cracks in the dam

Two residents of the Ishtykhansky district of the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan were fined for disseminating false information. They posted a video on social networks claiming that cracks had appeared in the dam of the Akdarya reservoir and there was a risk of flooding due to water leaving the dam, a correspondent for reports.


Двух жителей Узбекистана оштрафовали за фейк о трещинах в плотине

According to court records, the video was filmed on January 10. On this day, a 36-year-old man captured repair work on the southwestern shore of the reservoir. On the evening of the same day, he, together with another local resident, distributed a post on social networks, accompanied by false information that could cause panic among the population. 

On January 13, the Ishtykhansky District Court considered the case against two citizens. According to the court decision, they were found guilty under Article 202-2 («Dissemination of false information, including in the media, telecommunications networks or the worldwide Internet information network, containing a threat to public order or security») CoJSC RUZ. 

As punishment, the court imposed a fine of 20 BRV on the violators, which amounts to 7.5 million soums.