Categories Uzbekistan

Uzbek business community submits over 10,000 applications for open dialogue with president

As of August 5, more than 10,000 applications were submitted for the open dialogue between Uzbek leader and the business community. According to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the republican headquarters received a total of 10,189 appeals.

Uzbek business community submits over 10,000 applications for open dialogue with president

The largest number of inquiries from entrepreneurs relate to financial support, accounting for 3,395 of the total appeals. Legal protection is the second most common issue, with 1,759 appeals. The improvement of the tax system ranks third, with 1,664 inquiries.

Other significant concerns include:

  • Allocation of production space: 1,006 appeals
  • Infrastructure issues: 812 appeals
  • Simplification of regulatory procedures: 669 appeals
  • Foreign trade and investment: 476 appeals
  • Finding markets for products: 230 appeals
  • Transport and logistics: 178 appeals

To date, 7,986 complaints and inquiries have been addressed. However, 414 inquiries remain unresolved, mainly due to delays by government agencies. The most delays have occurred in the khokimiyats (city administrations) of Kashkadarya region (19) and Tashkent (10).

By August 1, a total of 9,124 complaints had been received, with 7,069 resolved. The Ministry of Ecology and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation were noted for their prompt responses, along with the khokimiyats of Kashkadarya and Tashkent.

Entrepreneurs submit their questions and appeals through a 24-hour call centre with short numbers 1094 and 1100 and via the electronic platform