Categories Uzbekistan

29 small hydroelectric power stations will be built in the Tashkent region

In the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan, 6.7 hectares were allocated for the construction of 29 small and micro hydroelectric power stations, the regional khokimiyat reported.

В Ташкентской области построят 29 малых ГЭС

The total capacity of the power plants will be more than 2.5 MW. The hydroelectric power station will be built on the territory of seven districts and three cities of regional subordination.

Seven hydroelectric power stations will be built in the Bukinsky district, six — in Chinazsky, four — in Yangiyulsky. Three new hydroelectric power stations are planned to be built in the Akhangaran region, two in Zangiata, one each in Parkent and Akkurgan.

Also, small and micro hydroelectric power stations will be built in Chirchik, Nurafshan and Angren, Kursiv Uzbekistan reports.

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