Categories Tajikistan

Business Woman Academy Summer School is a new stage in the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Central Asia

Business Woman Academy Summer School is a new stage in the development of women's entrepreneurship in Central Asia

From August 9 to 11, within the framework of the project "Strengthening the potential of women in business development and leadership skills within the framework of interregional cooperation in Central Asia", the Sarob Hotel and Wellness Complex hosted the Business Women Academy Summer School. The event brought together more than 30 women entrepreneurs from all regions of Tajikistan, seeking to take their business to a new level.

Organized by the Private Sector Development Union of Tajikistan with the support of the USAID Entrepreneurship and Business Environment Development Project (USAID/FGI), the summer school has become a platform for sharing experiences, establishing useful contacts and gaining new knowledge.

For three days, the participants immersed themselves in interactive workshops, business trainings, and discussions on topical issues of women's entrepreneurship.

In particular, they discussed modern marketing and sales tools, issues of personnel and tools management, leadership qualities and interpersonal communication, access to finance and other entrepreneurship support programs.

In addition to the theoretical part, the participants also had the opportunity to work on their business projects under the guidance of experienced mentors.

According to Naima Normatova, Chairman of the Private Sector Development Union of Tajikistan, the event became an excellent platform for communication for women heads of large and medium-sized businesses from the fields of medicine, tourism, logistics, construction, textile and clothing sectors.

"In the process of working with businesses, we have seen the difficulties faced by women entrepreneurs. Based on the problems, we have identified the necessary issues that our women entrepreneurs need today. One of them is the absence and lack of platforms where business leaders could discuss their issues and problems.

And we, with the support of our development partners – USAID for the development of entrepreneurship and the business environment, have made such a project where we support both women and girls. The goal is to strengthen the existing business, because it needs qualified specialists, as well as to share experiences, gain new knowledge and skills necessary for effective business management," she said.

The Business Woman Academy Summer School has become a vivid example of the successful implementation of projects aimed at supporting women's entrepreneurship in Tajikistan. The Private Sector Development Union of Tajikistan will continue its work to create new opportunities for women entrepreneurs and strengthen their potential.

"The Business Women Academy Summer School is not just an educational event, it is a community of like–minded women united by a common goal – to develop their business and inspire other women. We are confident that the knowledge and skills acquired during the summer school will help the participants reach new heights in entrepreneurship," said Sitora Zairova, Executive Director of the Union.

About the Private Sector Development Union of Tajikistan

The Private Sector Development Union of Tajikistan is a non–profit organization established to support and develop entrepreneurship in Tajikistan.

The main goal of the Union is to create a favorable business environment, assist in solving the problems faced by entrepreneurs, and strengthen the dialogue between the state and the private sector.