Categories Kyrgyzstan

Deputy Minister of Justice of Kyrgyzstan awarded at forum of International Union of Notaries in Samarkand

Deputy Minister of Justice of Kyrgyzstan awarded at forum of International Union of Notaries in Samarkand

Deputy Minister of Justice of Kyrgyzstan awarded at forum of International Union of Notaries in Samarkand

The 14th plenary session of the Asian Affairs Commission of the International Union of Notaries took place in Samarkand on September 10-11. The meeting focused on key issues of modernization of notarial systems in Asian countries and digitalization.

Deputy Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic Orozbek Sydykov was awarded an honorary badge for his contribution to the development and digitalization of the notarial sphere.

The ceremony of presenting the award to Orozbek Sydykov was attended by President of the International Union of Notaries Lionel Galliez, Minister of Justice of Uzbekistan Akbar Tashkulov, and President of the Asian Affairs Commission Dilshod Ashurov.

Orozbek Sydykov spoke about the importance of this meeting for the development of the notarial sphere and strengthening international cooperation.

According to Sydykov, such events promote the exchange of experience and the introduction of innovations, which is especially important for the modernization of the notary system of Kyrgyzstan, the introduction of advanced technologies and the improvement of the quality of services.

Kyrgyzstan is currently at the stage of joining the International Union of Notaries. A special commission of the International Union of Notaries is expected to visit Kyrgyzstan in October.

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