Categories Kyrgyzstan

Organized criminal groups still exist in Kadamjay district, Kyzyl-Kiya and Osh – Tashiyev

Organized criminal groups still exist in Kadamjay district, Kyzyl-Kiya and Osh – Tashiyev

Organized criminal groups still exist in Kadamjay district, Kyzyl-Kiya and Osh - Tashiyev

There are no organized criminal groups in Kyrgyzstan today and if they appear then the fight against them will be tough, Chairman of the State National Security Committee of Kyrgyzstan Kamchybek Tashiyev said on September 18 during the inauguration of the new building of GKNB in Kadamjay district.

According to him, the main task of the national security bodies, judicial system, law enforcement bodies and the prosecutor’s office is combating organized criminal groups.

“I think at the moment the task given by President was fulfilled. How? Now there are no organized criminal groups anywhere in our country. If any crime occurs, we will fight harshly. I would like to make an official appeal to some members of organized criminal groups. I was reported that they still exist in Kadamjay district, in Kyzyl-Kiya town and in the city of Osh. We must warn them so that they can return to a normal lifestyle. If they won’t do that, then we will force them to work and live for the benefit of their families by law, so that they can work honestly in conditions created by the government,” he said.

According to Tashiyev there are smuggling cases on the border post in Kadamjay.

Tashiyev on September 18 opened a new building of the office of the GKNB in Kadamjay district.

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