Categories Kyrgyzstan

Whooping cough situation stable in Kyrgyzstan – doctor

Whooping cough situation stable in Kyrgyzstan – doctor

Whooping cough situation stable in Kyrgyzstan - doctor

The whooping cough situation is stable in Kyrgyzstan, pediatrician Chynara Satarova said on the Jamattyk Media.

The peak of cases occurred in winter-spring, the pediatrician said. 

Whooping cough cases were not registered in 2024.

Most cases were registered among children under 1 year, as they were not vaccinated against whooping cough.

Whooping cough is an acute anthroponous airborne bacterial infection, the most characteristic symptom of which is a paroxysmal spasmodic cough. This infectious disease of the respiratory tract is very dangerous for children under two years of age.