Categories Kyrgyzstan

Ministry of Health to expand network of public dental clinics

Ministry of Health to expand network of public dental clinics

Ministry of Health to expand network of public dental clinics

Minister of Health Alymkadyr Beishenaliev visited the dental clinic #4 in Bishkek, where he met with staff and patients.

The Health Minister checked access to and quality of provided dental care.

Two children’s dental clinics will function in Bishkek and Osh, which will allow to improve the quality of provided dental care to children, Health Minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev said.

“We realize concerns of parents and actively work on improvement of dental care system so that each child will receive timely and quality care. We will also look for suitable premises in order to expand the network of dental clinics to reduce the work load on existing clinics,” the Health Minister said.