Categories Kyrgyzstan

2 logistical centers for storage and processing of fruits and berries launched in Jalal-Abad region

2 logistical centers for storage and processing of fruits and berries launched in Jalal-Abad region

2 logistical centers for storage and processing of fruits and berries launched in Jalal-Abad region

Two logistical centers for processing and storage of fruits and berries were opened in Jalal-Abad region, the Ministry of Agriculture reported.

The first logistical storage facility was opened in Aksy district. The cost of the facility made 22 million soms. It allows to store up to 500 tons of fruits and berries and provides seasonal jobs for 10 local residents.

The logistical center for prune processing will be fully launched in Jerge-Tal village since September.

More than 25 locals will be provided with seasonal jobs. The cost of the facility made 26.8 million soms. The center processes, packs, exports ready produce to Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. The center processes up to 50 tons of prunes a day.