Categories Kazakhstan

Five new hydroelectric power stations will be built in Katon-Karagay and Bukhtarm

In eastern Kazakhstan, it is planned to build five new hydroelectric power stations with a capacity of 74.3 MW in the coming years. Why the region focused specifically on hydropower and what problems remain to be solved along this path, a Kazinform agency correspondent found out:

В Катон-Карагае и Бухтарме построят пять новых ГЭС

The climatic conditions of Eastern Kazakhstan limit the development of solar and wind energy. There is a lack of significant potential for these sources in the region.

— If you look at the World Atlas of Wind Energy Potential, you can see that in our country only certain areas have minimal conditions for the use of wind or sun. It is now more profitable for investors to consider regions with higher potential of these sources, Nurlan Ramazanov, head of the Energy and Housing and Communal Services Department of East Kazakhstan region, explained —.

At the same time, in his opinion, hydropower remains the most rational choice for the region.

— HPP — is an adjustable energy source that allows you to flexibly change production volumes. This is especially important to ensure a stable energy supply, Ramazanov added.

Existing energy base and future plans

Seven hydroelectric power plants of various forms of ownership are already operating in the region, which makes East Kazakhstan the country’s leader in hydropower. In 2024, total energy generation in the region amounted to more than 7.6 billion kWh, of which 243.5 million kWh is the share of renewable sources.

The construction of five new small hydroelectric power stations is planned for the future:

  • hydroelectric power station in the Katon-Karagai region (capacity 1.4 MW, commissioning — 2027);
  • Hydroelectric power station on the Bukhtarma River in the Altai region (50 MW, 2029);
  • Two hydroelectric power stations in the Zaisan region (4.5 MW and 2.4 MW, 2030);
  • hydroelectric power station in the Markakol region (16 MW, 2030).

The total hydraulic potential of the region allows the implementation of projects for 95 small hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of 2 GW. Active work is currently underway with potential investors to attract funds to this industry.

Problems and ways to solve them

Despite significant prospects, the construction of small hydroelectric power stations is fraught with a number of problems. One of the main ones is the need to allocate land in forest areas where facilities are planned to be located.

— Investors face difficulties at the site approval stage, as the forest fund requires a special approach. We are actively working with authorized bodies to speed up the resolution of these issues, Nurlan Ramazanov said.

In addition, it is important to ensure a balance between energy development and river ecosystem conservation. Experts emphasize that the construction of new facilities will take into account the need for minimal environmental impact.

In general, in Kazakhstan, for the construction of new hydroelectric power stations, they plan to study the hydropower potential of three regions of the country — Irtysh-Zaysan, Alakol and Balkhash basins. In addition, the construction of another hydroelectric power station on the Irtysh — in Semey is being actively discussed.

Nelly Nigmatullina (Kazinform)