A total of 351,176 children are to start school in Kazakhstan in the new 2024/25 academic year. Approximately 70% of them will study in the Kazakh language schools, TheCentral.Asia learned from the Ministry of Education .
The majority of the first-graders live in Turkistan region – 44,000 students. Almaty region has registered more than 34,000 first-graders. Astana is third with over 26,000 elementary school students.
More than 3.9 million Kazakhstani school students will commence the forthcoming academic year in 7,859 educational institutions throughout the country.
The number of school graduates has hit a record number – 219,000.
As earlier reported, 28,000 children will start school in Astana in the new 2024/25 academic year. 282,150 pupils are to attend 187 schools in Astana starting this academic year. Of them, 110 are public schools with 233,006 students, 70 private ones with 42,674 students, and seven republican schools with 6,470 students.