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The court gave the names of five more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in “Crocus”

The court gave the names of five more defendants in the case of the terrorist attack in "Crocus"

Photo: @moscowcourts

The Basmanny District Court of Moscow today, on August 29, issued orders to extend the arrest of five more defendants in the criminal case of the terrorist attack in the “Crocus City Hall” concert hall near Moscow. We are talking about Shahromjon Gadoev, Zubaydullo Ismoilov, Mustakim Soliyev, Umejon Soliyev and Hussein Hamidov. They will remain in custody until December 1, 2024.

Up to this point, the names of the five men have not been named. The press service of the capital's courts also did not indicate when the decision on their arrest was made.

It is clarified only that they are accused of participating in the activities of a terrorist organization (part 2 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), a terrorist act that caused death to a person (paragraph "b" of part 3 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), preparation for the commission of a terrorist act (part 1 of Article 30, paragraph "a" of part 2 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as illegal acquisition and storage of weapons (Part 4 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and illegal manufacture of explosives (Part 3 of Article 223.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Photo @moscowcourts 1/2

Earlier, the court extended the arrest of four alleged perpetrators of the terrorist attack – Dalerjon Mirzoev, Saidakram Rajabalizod, Fariduni Shamsiddin and Muhammadsobir Fayzov, as well as Alisher Kasimov, Isroil, Dilovar and Aminjon Islomov, Jumokhon Kurbonov, Lutfulloi Nazrimad, Muhammad Sharifzod and Yokubjon Yusufzod until November 22.

On August 20, it was reported that Mirzoev, Rajabalizoda, Fayzov and Shamsiddin did not appeal the court's decision to extend their arrest and to bring new charges against them.

Four of the alleged perpetrators were initially charged with committing a terrorist act resulting in death as part of an organized group, and the rest were charged with complicity in the commission of this crime.

Now, in addition to the article on terrorism, the perpetrators are also charged with participating in a terrorist organization, undergoing training in order to carry out terrorist activities and illegal arms trafficking as part of an organized group.

In May, the head of the Federal Security Service, Alexander Bortnikov, said that more than 20 people, including perpetrators and accomplices, were detained in the case of the terrorist attack. 18 of them, as of August, have been arrested.

The terrorist attack at “Crocus City Hall” took place on March 22. That day men armed with automatic weapons ran into the concert hall and opened fire on people who came to the concert of the group “Picnic”. Later, they set fire to the hall and fled. 145 people were killed and more than 550 injured. More than 1,700 people were recognized as victims.

The responsibility for the terrorist attack in “Crocus” was assumed by “Vilayat Khorasan” – the branch of the “Islamic State”.