Categories Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan tops Central Asia in 2024 World Happiness Report, securing 47th position

Uzbekistan has been ranked as the happiest nation in Central Asia, placing 47th overall in the 2024 World Happiness Report released by the World Population Review. This report, which has evaluated global happiness since 2002, utilizes statistical analysis of Gallup poll data from 143 countries over the past three years.

Uzbekistan tops Central Asia in 2024 World Happiness Report, securing 47th position


The World Happiness Report assesses happiness through six key indicators: gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, social support, life expectancy, the freedom to make life choices, generosity, and perceptions of internal and external corruption levels.

While Uzbekistan shines in Central Asia, the report highlights that the seven happiest countries globally are all located in Europe. Finland leads the list for the third consecutive year, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Israel, the Netherlands, and Norway. In stark contrast, Afghanistan is noted as the least happy country, ranking 143rd due to factors such as low life expectancy, GDP per capita, and the ongoing impacts of the Taliban takeover.

Kazakhstan, which previously ranked 44th, has slipped to 49th place, highlighting challenges in maintaining economic momentum amid relatively slow population growth. However, experts suggest this trend may allow Kazakhstan to continue making economic progress and reduce poverty in the long term.

Tajikistan follows in the rankings at 88th, with the report noting concerns about a population boom that poses risks to its economy and resources. Although government initiatives have aimed to encourage contraception and lower the birth rate, challenges remain.

Unfortunately, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan are not included in this year’s report, though recent data places Turkmenistan at 78th in 2022 and Kyrgyzstan at 62nd in 2023.


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